Joan De La Haye

Writing The Race: Training Days update

Hello my Freaky Darlings,

Over the last few months I’ve been struggling with the plot for The Race: Training Days. For those of you who haven’t read The Race, Training Days is the second instalment of what I hope is going to be a pretty long series of novelettes.

Anyway … The night before last I had this weird dream which woke me up in the middle of the night. At the time I thought it could be the plot to another book, which annoyed me because I want to be able to focus on The Race books. But then around midnight last night I woke up once again with an “A Ha” moment. The dream from the night before wasn’t a completely new book, it was simply a follow on for Training Days. It was the plot for the third book in the series.

What can I say my mind works in weird ways. It communicates book ideas via dreams. Crazy but true.

With that realisation a whole lot of other things made sense. I finally know where Training Days, and the subsequent books in the series are going. I finally understand certain relationships and their dynamics and how they impact on the story line. So hopefully now that that’s been unlocked and my brain knows where it’s going I’ll be able to write Training Days faster than I have been and it should be out before the end of the year!

Can I get a whoop whoop!


What can I say? Knowing where a story line is going makes me a happy little writer.


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